Apps 172 Apps found. Version: v17.0 ×

Allows multiple images for the fleet, also lets user click and save images using the android or ios. | Website Product | Multiple Images | Vehicle Images | Add Multiple Vehicle Images | Fleet | Fleet Multi Image |

Fleet Multi Images
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
10.88 10.88

Portal Attendance Using this module user can see their attendance and also mark their attendance from portal as well.| Portal attendance | Portal Attendance filter | Portal Attendance groupby | Online Attendance | Portal attendance list | Website Attendance | Employee attendance | Website employee | Employee attendance | Employee Check In | Employee Checkout | Mobile attendance | Attendance Kiosk

Portal Employee Attendance
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
139.16 139.16

hide email button | hide mail button | mail button | mail | button from mail | document button | view document

Hide Email Buttons
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
32.63 32.63

User can see all the answers given by each contact in the contacts.Administrator can take survey of any contact direct from its profile.| Partner survey | Partner survey application| surveys application| Questionnaire | survey answers | answers | Share survey | Contact Answers | Partner answers

Partner Survey
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
27.19 27.19

This module will be use for email branding, color change of email buttons, change odoo name

E-Mail Buttons Dynamic Color
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
54.20 54.20

This Odoo addon is used to import Zip file of Product images in bulk by using their Product internal reference number from the backend in odoo.
Import Product Image | Import product Photo | Import image using product internal reference | import product image by product SKU | Product Image SKU

Product Image Import
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
42.42 42.42

Pizza Modifiers

POS Pizza Modifiers
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
214.09 214.09

This is a very useful Odoo module to transfer stock from source location to destination location. | easy | stock | transfer | easy stock transfer | Easy Transfer Stock | stock transfer | easy transfer | warehouse stock transfer | warehouse stock

Easy Stock Transfer
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
21.75 21.75

Hide Menu From User|hide | menu | user | hide menu | hide user|

Hide Menu From User
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
10.88 10.88

Hospital Management system | HMS | open source hospital management system | medical management software | odoo hospital management free | odoo healthcare management system | erp for hospitals | odoo healthcare | odoo clinic management system | odoo medical health management solution | odoo erp for healthcare management | hms hospital | hms systems | online clinic management system | medical management system | clinic management software | patient management system |healthcare software vendors|

Healthcare Management System
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
79.40 79.40

POS Hourly Sales Report
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
32.63 32.63

Dynamic Reload Page using this module user can auto reload page on other page or on same page after given time.reload page|auto reload page|dynamic reload|page reload|dynamic page reload|dynamic auto reload.

Dynamic Reload Page
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
21.75 21.75

Prevents Spam user signup by approving the user accounts before allowing them to login

Account Activate by email at signup
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
32.11 32.11

Print employee attendance Report with days & hours.

Employee Attendance and Leave Report
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
10.88 10.88

This Module will allow user download multiple pickings and have them all compressed into a zip file.| Stock Report ZIP | picking Report ZIP | Compressed Stocks | Compressed picking |

Compressed Stock Reports
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
21.75 21.75

It is a Grievance form

Kanak Infosystems LLP.
43.51 43.51

We need to hide the prices most of the time from competitors. This module does the same.

Shop Hide Price
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
10.70 10.70

This module allow to approve purchase order in a flow of action of various stakeholder on the basis of their roles.

Purchase Approval Rules
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
32.11 32.11

This module will help us to add alternative product variant if the demanded quantity is not available.

Alternative Product Variant
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
43.51 43.51

Disable Chatting

Disable Chatting
Kanak Infosystems LLP.
42.42 42.42