Auto Picking from Invoice
Auto picking from invoice Using this module user can create auto picking from invoice validation.
Key Features
Easy Install
Fully Importable Module can be installed easily.
No Configurations
This Module can be installed with no configurations.
Receipt from vendor bill
create auto receipt(picking) from vendor bill on confirm
Delivery from invoice
create auto delivery(picking) from customer invoice on confirm.
Time Saver
This module saves your important time and human efforts.
Multi-Company Support
This application fluently work with multiple company.
Receipt from vendor bill
- User can directly create receipt from vendor bill.

- if you click on receipt stat button, it will open the receipt of vendor bill.

Delivery order from invoice
- User can directly create delivery order from customer invoice.

- if you click on delivery stat button, it will open the delivery order from customer invoice.

First version to release.
[FIX] Fixed wrong valuation for FIFO method.
[FIX] Fixed create delivery/picking issue.
[FIX] Fixed section/note issue.
[FIX] Fixed Picking issue.
[FIX] Fixed Delivery Count Issue.
Yes, our app works with Odoo Enterprise as well as Community.
Yes, our app works with Windows or Ubuntu operating system.
Our Services
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