How to Calculate the Field Based on the other Field via JS: ERPNext
Scenario: Creating a custom field named "age" in the "Employee" doctype and utilizing the default HRMS field "date_of_birth" to perform the calculation.
Step 1: Create a JavaScript File
Begin by creating a JavaScript file named "employee.js" in the public directory of your app. The path to this file should be "/my_app/public/js/employee.js."
Step 2: Write the JavaScript Code
Inside "employee.js," add the following JavaScript code:
frappe.ui.form.on("Employee", {
date_of_birth(frm) {
var birthdate = frm.doc.date_of_birth;
// Calculate age based on date of birth
var dobDate = new Date(birthdate);
var today = new Date();
var age = today.getFullYear() - dobDate.getFullYear();
if (today.getMonth() < dobDate.getMonth() || (today.getMonth() === dobDate.getMonth() && today.getDate() < dobDate.getDate())) {
frm.set_value("age", age);
Ensure that the function name "date_of_birth" matches the field name in the "Employee" doctype.
Step 3: Integrate JavaScript File in Hooks
In order for ERPNext to recognize and use the JavaScript file, you need to define it in the "" file. Add the following line to the "" file:
Step 4: Observe the Result
Once you've completed these steps, the "age" field in the "Employee" doctype will automatically update when you change the "date_of_birth" field. The JavaScript code calculates the age based on the provided date of birth and sets the "age" field accordingly.
Note: Using this method, the "age" field will not be set as read-only, allowing you to manually change the value if needed.
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By following these steps, you can easily calculate an employee's age in ERPNext based on their date of birth, improving the accuracy and efficiency of your HR management processes.
At the core of the financial accounting feature of the ERPNext are journal entries, as almost everything financially related is tied to them. This document presented details on setting up and maintaining the journal entries along with information about templates. These best practices help businesses to ensure that their accounting processes remain accurate, efficient, and aligned with accounting standard compliance. If configured correctly along with a little knowledge of journal entries, organizations can maintain transparency in their financial processing on Accounting > Reports > Trial Balance.
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